"If it wasn't for vinyl's new fashionable era, probably, Road Of Kicks would be still deciding something about the next step,
feeding their poultry, hidden in their mountains.
Yes, because that's what they did, until now.
As if they were caged in a 40 years old tale, the neighbors Steven (vocal and guitar) and Charlie (bass guitar)
grew up in a little country in the Alpine Foothills, totally disinterested to the external world and its changes,
the more and more attracted to their parent's old vinyls and to the old fashioned ways.
Starting with one guitar to share, they went on playing in a garage, listening to
the immortal Rock & Roll classics (The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Little Richard...) and writing songs.
The idea to create a band soon came up to their minds.
But it was then really accomplished in 2010 when the maniacal research of the members ended up with Doug (lead guitar)
and Jeffrey (drums).
With the video of their first song "All Of Joe's Wives" and the recordings of the (vinyl) EP "Seventh Rooster"
the first step towards the real world was taken: the band decided to put the head out of the nest."